Improvisation for Pianist (Disklavier) and Live Coder - Juan A. Romero & Anne Veinberg
The improvisation consists of mutual feedback using the Disklavier as an acoustic and mechanical interface between the pianist and the live coder. Phrases and notes will be recorded and algortihmically transformed and played back throught the same device interfering and interacting with the player. Some sound synthesis will be also live coded to expand and adapt the sound of the piano and the playing style of the perfomer.
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
13 July 2015 CCCH School of Music, University of Leeds
Steven Tanimoto. Livesolving: Enabling Collaborative Problem Solvers to Perform at Full Capacity
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
14 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Julian Rohrhuber – Keynote Speech
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
13 July 2015 CCCH School of Music, University of Leeds
Sally-Jane Norman – Keynote Speech
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
15 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Paper session A (Chair: David Ogborn)
Alan Blackwell. Patterns of User Experience in Performance Programming (20min)
Charlie Roberts, Karl Yerkes, Matthew Wright and JoAnn Kuchera-Morin. Sharing Time and Code in a Browser-Based Live Coding Environment (15min)
Marije Baalman. Embodiment of code (15min)
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
13 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Anticipation – Alex Keegan & Alex McLean
Keegan is one third of Sheffield agrobeat band Blood Sport, and McLean is one third of London/Falmouth/Sheffield live coding band Slub. They’re combining their respective research interests in music psychology and algorithmic music to explore the limits of entrainment in audio/visual beat perception.
Part of the evening programme of the Sonic Pattern symposium.
Recorded 17 June 2015 at Access Space, Sheffield
Paper session B (Chair: Nick Collins)
Adam Parkinson and Renick Bell. Deadmau5, Derek Bailey, and the Laptop Instrument -- Improvisation, Composition, and Liveness in Live Coding (15min)
Emma Cocker. Live Coding/Weaving — Penelopean Mêtis and the Weaver-Coder’s Kairos (15min)
Giovanni Mori. Analysing Live Coding with Ethnographical Approach. A new perspective. (15min)
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
13 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Papers session C (Chair: Alan Blackwell)
Tim Sayer. Cognition and Improvisation: Some Implications for Live Coding (15min)
Nick Collins. Live Coding and Machine Listening (20min)
Giovanni Mori. Pietro Grossi's live coding. An early case of computer music performance (20min)
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
14 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Paper session D (Chair: Felienne Hermans)
Shawn Lawson. Performative Code: Strategies for Live Coding Graphics (15min)
James Mooney. Materiality, Economy, Community: Hugh Davies’s Electronic Musical Instruments and their Relation to Present-Day Live Coding Practice (15min)
Geoff Cox. What Does Live Coding Know? (15min)
Chris Kiefer. Approximate Programming (15min)
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
14 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds
Paper session E (Chair: Roger Dean)
Steven Tanimoto. Livesolving: Enabling Collaborative Problem Solvers to Perform at Full Capacity (20min)
Alan Blackwell and Samuel Aaron. Craft Practices of Live Coding Language Design (20min)
Felienne Hermans and Tijs Van Der Storm. Copy-Paste Tracking: Fixing Spreadsheets Without Breaking Them (15min)
ICLC International Conference on Live Coding 2015
14 July 2015 LT1 School of Music, University of Leeds