AlgoMech symposium - Rosamaria Cisneros - Machine Choreography

Rosamaria talks about a digital performance dance piece that was created implementing participatory research methods and a post digital perspective. The work was born out of a residency with Random String where I was exploring the intersections of screendance, shadow puppetry, Flamenco, the Romani/Gypsy community, the number 28 and intangible cultural heritage. 

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium: Joana Chicau - Ways of moving

Joana presents ‘Ways of moving: Tango’ under the themes ‘Creative computing and (live) coding’ / ‘Machine choreography’ after a recent visit to Buenos Aires to developed a new ‘choreographic code’ based on the dance genre: Tango.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium - Giuseppe Torre - A play on code, a reflection on creative machines

"Whether we believe or not that science can one day provide us with computers that can mimic human behaviour, we, as people engaging in art practises, should be, probably more than anyone else, very careful in the dealing of such topic especially when ideas such as artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity or consciousness are presented in the same context."

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech Symposium - Alejandro Albornoz - Jose Vicente Asuar: Chilean pioneer

In the early 70's a small group of people started the computer music activity in Chile. Among these group of professionals and students, there is a remarkable figure: José Vicente Asuar, composer and engineer, pioneer of electroacoustic music in Latin America.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium - Susanne Palzer - A brief exploration of Open Platform

Part of an arts-research day symposium, with talks on the theme of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement, chaired by Thor Magnusson and Chris Kiefer from University of Sussex's Experimental Music Technology Lab, and taking place in the Sheffield Institute of Arts.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium: Jesus Jara Lopez - Liberace's Wannabe

Medialab-Prado is a citizen laboratory of production, research and broadcasting of cultural projects that explores the forms of experimentation and collaborative learning that has emerged from digital networks. Nowadays Medialab-Prado hosts a number of research projects that focus on music technology, digital fabrication or creative coding among others. One of those projects is called Autofabricantes.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium - Ellen Harlizius Klück - PENELOPE

Weaving in pre-industrial times is usually seen as a domestic female preoccupation claiming no intellectual activity. Although it has been a ubiquitous craft in ancient times, it has hardly ever been considered as contributor to intellectual concepts or to the history of technology. The team of the PENELOPE project thinks that it is time to reconsider weaving as an important part of intellectual history and especially the history of digital technology.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium - Alejandra Pérez Núñez - Yeast

Yeast is an audiovisual bio noise performance of yeast reactions and algorithmic systems Yeast reactions are considered biological responses to systems, in example geophysical systems. The objective of the piece is to render an aesthetic response, an economy of the hallucinatory, permanent doubt, diffraction, strangeness through the noise ecology assembled from the reactions in yeast cultures on stage. 

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield

AlgoMech symposium - Elise and David Plans - Ominator

“Ominator” is an iOS app which draws on several themes related to human-machine interaction and generative design. The audio and music for the app was created using Pure Data to enhance a person’s humming into an embracing music track, responding to the pitch of the user’s voice, as a meditative exercise. Open Frameworks was used to create a procedurally-generated visualisation of the human user’s voice.

Recorded 13 November 2016 at Algomech 2016, Sheffield